Ganesh Karapu the Founder and Chairman of Shivganeshyoga Foundation (SGYF) is one of the well-known and experienced Yoga Trainers. He is an Inspirational Speaker, Author.
He has done a lot of research and attained valuable experience in the past 26 years in Meditation and Energy Healing and has unravelled many Secrets of Chakras, Yoga, Mind power, and Spirituality.
He has designed many techniques and has mastery in teaching in simple language how to create Mental and Physical balance according to the individual needs in an easy way so that even a common man can achieve Success and Happiness in his Field/Career/Life.
He conducts different types of Online and Residential workshops on Yoga, Chakra Healing and Meditation, Yoga Teacher Training Courses, Stress Management, and Health Awareness Programs. These workshops transformed thousands of people's lives and people benefited with Health, Wealth, and Happiness from the divine knowledge of our Ancient YOGA, CHAKRA and MEDITATION.